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Hair fall? Don't know why? Find out causes & treatment right here

A head full of long, strong, and beautiful hair is the dream of every girl. But with hair fall, this dream can easily turn into a scary nightmare. Finding more strands of hair on your pillow and comb than your scalp is a sign of hair fall which can be stressful and unnerving. However, believe us when we say that everyone faces hair fall at least once in their life and it's nothing to worry about.

An average human loses 80-100 strands of hair every day, and experts say that it is normal. But when you shed a significant quantity of hair, finding hair strands all around you, it means you need to look deeper to find its causes.

If you have been wondering how to stop hair fall and have tried all possible tricks, here is a guide on the causes of hair loss and what you should do to prevent hair fall.

Causes Of Hair Fall

Several reasons can contribute to hair fall. While it could be your hair products, your lifestyle and health can also be responsible.

1. Hormonal changes

If you have suddenly witnessed a rise in hair fall, it could be due to the hormonal imbalance in your body. For example, during menopause, the estrogen levels drop in your body that result in hair fall. Similarly, after giving birth, you might suffer from hair fall, which is nothing but the effects of changes in your bodily hormones caused by pregnancy. Moreover, you can also suffer from hair fall due to specific medications or medical conditions.

2. Stress

When you are stressed, your immune system weakens which affects your hair follicles pushing them into the resting phase. After a while, these weakened hair follicles fall off with just brushing or combing. Though hair fall due to stress is temporary it can result in hair loss and balding.

3. Wrong products

You might not realize, but the chemical based hair products that you use, could be a significant reason for your hair fall. Often chemicals found in hair products can harm the scalp and weaken the hair follicles. So if you are suffering from hair fall, you should re-check the hair products you are using. It could be because they are too harsh for your skin or unsuitable for your hair.

4. Lifestyle

An underrated but significant reason for hair loss are your faulty lifestyle practises. Improper lifestyle does not only affect your mental peace and health, but can also snatch your beautiful locks of hair from you. Having an inadequate diet, lack of nutrients and Vitamins, drinking less water, stress, and subjecting your hair to excessive heat and styling can impact your hair growth and lead to hair fall. Excessive humidity, heat, or dryness can also cause your hair to fall off.

5. Dandruff

If you are suffering from scalp infections or dandruff, you are most likely to face hair fall. Dandruff makes your scalp inflamed and itchy and when you rub your scalp, you might damage your hair follicles leading to hair fall.

5. Heredity

If your mother or grandmother suffer from hair fall, you might have to deal with it too. Sometimes hair fall caused by genetics can lead to partial hair loss or thinning. Now that you know about the causes, you must also check out the solution for hair loss.

Natural Tips for hair fall

If you are looking for some hair fall treatment at home, here is a small guide -

1. Pick the right products

The first thing you need to control hair fall is to say goodbye to all your chemical-based hair products. Natural hair care is not only gentle for your scalp, but also enriches your scalp to stop hair fall. Look for a brand that uses pure natural ingredients in their hair products and preaches the magic of Ayurveda for hair care. Just like Coco Soul. Coco Soul believes that seeking nature's goodness is the best way for hair care and so all its products are infused with natural ingredients in its core. Moreover, they are chemical-free and devoid of any harmful artificial compounds. You can try -

Coco Soul Hair & Scalp Cleanser Created with pure Ayurvedic herbs and virgin coconut oil in its core, this natural hair shampoo gently washes off the dirt and pollution, balances scalp oil, unclogs hair follicles and strengthens your hair roots, and makes your hair soft, bouncy, and manageable. It contains

  • Virgin coconut oil - Loaded with good fats and antioxidants, it nurtures the scalp and roots and moisturizes your hair strands
  • Godapara - An organic herb, it soothes the itchy and flaky scalp and strengthens the hair
  • Kikirindiya - It boosts blood circulation in the scalp, and treats hair fall
  • Virgin coconut oil - Called elixir in Ayurveda, it penetrates hair strands to nurture it and repairs hair damage.
  • Hibiscus - It strengthens hair roots and encourages natural hair growth
  • Lunuwila - It repairs hair damage, prevents premature greying, and reduces split ends

2. Take a balanced diet

Having a balanced diet is one of the easiest ways to prevent hair fall. Ensure that you are getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals from your diet. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Add in leafy vegetables and fruits to your plate and ensure that those are organic. Juices made of nutritional fruits like gooseberry, beetroot, and aloe vera will also help you fulfill the nutrients needed and boost hair growth.

3. Pay attention to your wellness

Making changes in your lifestyle habits can also help you get beautiful and strong tresses. While you invest in the best hair products, look after your wellness too; emotional as well as physiological. Try reducing stress, and switch to yoga, meditation, or mindfulness to relax your nerves. Indulge in some workout or physical activities as it would boost blood circulation in the scalp and reduce hair fall. Take adequate sleep and be happy.

4. Show some kindness to your tresses

Love your hair? Show it. It is very important to treat your hair in the right manner to stop hair fall. Following are some tips for hair fall reduction -

  • Avoid combing your hair when it's wet, or if needed, use a wide-toothed comb to remove tangles.
  • Rubbing a towel to dry your hair can harm the hair follicles and cause hair fall. Instead, just squeeze your hair to remove excess water from the hair and let it dry naturally.
  • Do not scrub your scalp aggressively while shampooing. You should gently massage the shampoo in your scalp with your fingertips.
  • Washing too much or too little can also weaken your hair roots and cause hair fall. Ensure to wash your hair at least thrice a week, unless prescribed otherwise.
  • Never use a conditioner on your scalp, limit it to your hair ends.
  • Use lukewarm water for your shower and avoid hot water at all costs.
  • Exposure to the sun and pollution can harm your scalp. Cover your hair when you step out and save it from too much dust or sun rays.
  • Nourish your hair with a hot oil massage at least once a week to moisturize your scalp and stop hair fall

5. Lookout for home remedies

Tired of hair fall? Use a hair fall home remedy. Your kitchen is a storehouse of potent ingredients that can stop hair fall and boost hair growth. You can apply a nourishing hair mask made from natural ingredients like amla, aloe vera, and coconut oil. Onion juice, hibiscus, curry leaves, and fenugreek seeds are also considered excellent for hair growth. Your hair follicles are made of keratin which is a protein, and so a hair mask made of eggs can be an effective hair fall home remedy.

To make an egg hair mask, you need one egg, one tablespoon honey, and two teaspoon olive oil. Mix these ingredients to make a smooth paste. Apply it to your scalp and hair. To avoid its strong odour you can use a shower cap to cover your hair. Let it stay for an hour. Wash it with a mild shampoo and apply conditioner. It will make your hair stronger and control hair fall.

While causes of hair fall are numerous, so are its treatments. Making small changes in your lifestyle, using the best natural products, and having a healthy diet would nourish your hair and control hair fall. Follow these tips for hair fall and head over to the Coco Soul website to shop for natural hair products today.

Frequently Asked Questions On Causes of Hair Fall

1. How can I stop my hair loss?

Have an intake of a healthy diet, use natural products, and use a nourishing hair mask to stop hair fall.

2. What is the cause of hair loss in females?

The major causes of hair loss in females are hormonal changes, stress, PCOD, pregnancy, and using harsh products.

3. Can hair regrow after hair fall?

Yes, you can regrow your hair after hair fall by nourishing your scalp and using natural products rich in nutrients and protein.


hair products to stop hair fall


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