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Dissecting The Various Stages Of Hair Growth - One Phase At A Time

There are two types of people you come across everyday- some who believe that getting regular trims is the secret to healthy hair, and others who are too attached to long hair and are sceptical to get it all chopped off. Our advice? Stay away from the various myths that you hear about on the internet. It’s time to burst the bubble and decode the truth about hair growth. In reality, our hair grows depending on an individual's hair growth cycle. You will be able to achieve fuller, radiant, and healthier hair if you understand the hair growth phases correctly. 

Keep scrolling to know more about the stages of hair growth. 

What is the Hair Growth Cycle?

Hair growth cycle is a cyclic and dynamic process encompassing four distinct stages: anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen. Studies suggest that the relative duration of these different stages influence the length and appearance of hair in different parts of the body. Let’s dive into greater detail as we study these hair growth phases. Beginning with anagen and ending with exogen, there are four in total. 

 Breaking Down All The Stages Of Hair Growth

Stages of Hair Growth

Most Commonly Known As


Anagen Phase

Active Phase

This is the active phase, during which hair growth occurs. During this period, hair grows by about one centimetre every 28 days. Approximately 90% of your hair is in the anagen phase at any given time. 

Catagen Phase

Transitional Phase

Following that, your hair cycle enters a brief transitional period known as the catagen phase, which lasts for about ten days. Only around 3% of all your hair is in this phase at any given time, as hair follicles shrivel and hair development slows down at this time.

Telogen Phase

Resting Phase

Strands are still present in their follicles, but they are no longer actively developing. At any given time, nearly 10-15% of your hair is in this phase.

Exogen Phase

Discarding Phase 

This phase is the extension of the telogen stage and witnesses hair shredding. It's common to lose 50-100 strands of hair every day throughout this period.

The growth of new hair begins as and when the old  strands fall away. 

What Happens If the Hair Growth Cycle is Disrupted?

If your hair growth cycle is disrupted, it's a sign that you're either not eating well or not paying enough attention to your hair care. When your cycle is disrupted, you may notice symptoms like hair thinning, or hair shedding to a major extent. 

Another reason for disrupted hair growth phases can be metabolic imbalances, illness, or improper nutrition. To secure a healthy hair growth cycle, add the Coco Soul Hair Care Combo to your hair care regime. The presence of ayurveda-approved herbs and virgin king coconut oil in the hair care products provide therapeutic, cooling, grounding, and nurturing qualities. It is enriched with the traditional ayurvedic herb- godapara, which not only clears an itchy and unhealthy scalp full of dandruff, but also helps in the overall strengthening of the scalp, thus boosting hair growth. The ingredients in this combo gently cleanse your hair and scalp, keeping you away from harsh chemicals and giving you healthier and stronger hair. It’s definitely a sustainable and nourishing choice for your hair.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

  1. How long are the stages of hair growth

    The length of each phase of hair growth varies greatly. The anagen phase cycle lasts for an average duration of three to five years while the catagen cycle lasts for about ten days only. The telogen phase lasts for around three months, during which the hair strand does not actively develop. Lastly, the final exogen phase gets over after two to five months. 

  2. How to maintain your hair during the hair growth cycle time?

    It might sound daunting at first, but maintaining your hair can actually be very simple. There are three things that you should take care of- a balanced diet, an organised hair care regime and lastly, better stress management. As a part of your hair care routine, give yourself a gentle massage using the ayurvedic goodness of the Coco Soul Extra Virgin Coconut Hair Oil with the natural essence of coconuts, vitamin E and a medley of argan, almond and jojoba oils. Basking into the goodness of nature has never been easier than this. Subject yourself to chemical-free hair care products like these on a regular basis to give your hair some natural TLC.

  3. How do I know my hair growth cycle?

    Understanding the hair growth cycle time is a little tough. Consult a trichologist if you notice that you're losing your hair at a faster rate than usual. Your hair will be in a better position to grow  when nourished under proper guidance, a regular hair care routine and a balanced diet.

    That was everything you needed to know about the anagen, catagen, telogen and the exogen phase. Now that you’ve understood the scientific details behind your hair’s growth, panning out the right hair care regime is not too hard and after realising how much our hair goes through to give us the healthy, shiny locks on our head, the need to follow a systematic hair care regime just became more important. Decreasing the hair shedding cycle may be a task but is not impossible. And with Coco Soul's organic products, getting the hair of your dreams is not far away. Always remember, life isn’t perfect, but your hair can be! 


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