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What Causes Rosacea? An Overview On Symptoms And Causes of This Skin Condition

What is rosacea? Rosacea skin is very common among middle-aged women with light skin-tones, and is caused by small blood vessels rising to the surface of your skin, as a result of excess tissue or rhinophyma. It is often mistaken for acne as it usually looks like blush-like redness on the face, red or pus-filled bumps, and a swollen red nose. Some of the rosacea triggers and flare-ups can also inflame your eyelids and cause conjunctivitis. Learn more about this genetic skin condition to know if you or someone you know has it, and how the flare-ups can be controlled.

 Woman With Rosacea

What Are Rosacea Symptoms?

You now know what rosacea is, but how do you identify the appearance of this skin condition on your face? It is a condition in which your face gets really red – your forehead, cheeks, chin, or nose, and this accompanied by swelling, pus-filled bumps, red spots, or watery eyes. The various signs and symptoms of this skin condition are:

  • Flushed Face: When it feels like your face is turning red, or people ask you why you’re ‘blushing’, it could just be rosacea forming on your skin. But how do you if it is blushing or rosacea skin? When it occurs persistently, coupled with other symptoms from the ones listed below, you know it is more than blushing.
  • Spider Veins: At times, the veins on the nose start to appear on different parts of your body as you grow older. When your veins on your nose push through the small blood vessels and are slightly visible on the outer skin, this is a sign of rosacea.
  • Pus-Filled Pimples: A form of acne, swollen and pus-filled bumps can appear on your face. These can be more frustrating than our regular pimples, and more dangerous too. 
  • Burning Face: Do you feel like your face is burning up, like a heated sensation takes over? This is when your skin starts to feel tender and hot, and the rosacea is getting triggered.
    Rosacea In The Eyes
  • Irritated Eyelids: As a result of rosacea, your body starts reacting differently. Since all of the effects of this skin condition are experienced on the face - cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead - it can affect your eyes. This is also called ocular rosacea, which makes the eyelids itchy, swollen, irritated, and watery.
  • Swollen Nose: While this occurs more in men than women, it is important to keep an eye out for the skin on your nose turning thicker. This could be a sign of rosacea, triggered by the swelling of the nose or rhinophyma.
  • Read here for more information on the different types of rosacea and their symptoms and causes.

What Are Rosacea Causes?

Rosacea causes  are a combination of an overactive immune system, genetics, and external factors. Your lifestyle, more than your personal hygiene, is a factor in the formation of this skin condition. Here are some of the factors or causes of rosacea:

  • Hot Drinks
  • Spicy Food
  • Alcohol
  • Extreme Temperatures
  • Sunlight And Winds
  • Stress Or Emotions
  • Extreme Exercise
  • Chemical Skin Or Hair Care Products

While it isn’t a contagious skin condition, rosacea can be very harmful to your skin in the long term. It is also a very distressing experience, and we help you get to the bottom of what could cause it, and how you can take care of it when it occurs.

What Is The Main Cause Of Rosacea?

To understand what causes rosacea flare-ups, it would help to narrow down the rosacea causes to one major cause.  Your immune, nervous, or vascular systems might be lacking the required amount of nutrition. Since it is also a hereditary condition, knowing the major trigger could prove beneficial too, so you must be wary of certain food triggers like hot drinks or spicy food.  
 Turmeric Powder

When you start noticing symptoms as a result of the causes and triggers of rosacea, you plan to visit your dermatologist and wonder if your skin care products have anything to do with it. Chemicals in skin care could potentially trigger this skin condition and cause flare-ups. To prevent this trigger, you can move towards a herbal or ayurvedic form of skin care. 

One such brand is Coco Soul. The ethos of the brand is to be kind to you, kind to animals, and kind to planet earth. All the skincare, face, and hair care products in its wide range are 100% vegan, organic, and cruelty-free. For those of you with sensitive skin, you will be pleased to know that all the products are also Made Safe certified! To begin with, we recommend the revitalising Shower Gel

Rosacea Is Chronic - How Does It Affect You?

It is important to understand what rosacea does to your body, your mental health, and your overall wellbeing. The skin condition goes beyond just your skin and eyes. The National Rosacea Society has observed some effects in their studies. Living with rosacea can feel worrisome, frustrating, embarrassing, and cause problems at work, low self-esteem, but it’s imperative that you keep a positive attitude and not let the skin condition determine the path of your life.   

If you have sensitive skin, and are afraid you may develop this skin condition, allow us to keep your worries at bay. We help you take care of yourself and your skin, with some ayurvedic remedies for rosacea you can try in the comfort of your home. You can also try these sensitive skin treatments to treat your skin conditions, but make sure you also visit a doctor to treat your skin for the long-term

Frequently Asked Questions on Rosacea Triggers (FAQs) 

  1. What is the main cause of rosacea?

    The various rosacea causes include eating spicy food, consuming alcohol, and the occurance of stressful situations, among others. However, the main cause of rosacea is a weak immune, nervous, or vascular system.

  2. What are five rosacea symptoms?

    Symptoms of this skin condition include a blush-like redness on your face, the feeling of your skin burning up, the appearance of pus-filled or swollen pimples, a swollen nose with visible veins, or even eyelids that are swollen.

  3. What causes rosacea flare ups?

    While the causes of rosacea can differ from lifestyle habits to external factors, the major triggers include consumption of hot drinks and spicy food. Extremely hot or cold temperatures, hot winds, and harsh sunlight could also trigger rosacea.


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