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An Everyday Skincare Routine For Your Sensitive Skin

Are you one of those who has always been excited to try out new skincare products but has been afraid to do so because of the way your skin would react to it? Sensitive skin care is one of the most crucial kinds of skincare regime to exist. If you know the struggle of taking care of sensitive skin, this one’s for you! Keep reading to know the best way you can take care of your skin, along with a sensitive skincare routine that you can follow regularly.

What Is Sensitive Skin And How To Identify It?

While topics on sensitive skin and sensitive skin care are popularly discussed, how does one confirm if they have sensitive skin? Well, if your skin reacts in certain ways after the application of certain products, your skin could be sensitive in nature. A few tell-tale signs of sensitive skin include- developing rashes, redness, stinging, sunburns, swelling or tenderness and general redness. Learn how to conduct a sensitive skin type test at home here.This can also happen with dry skin. A few ways to treat this type of skin is to use the right sensitive skin products. If you have dry skin, your skincare for sensitive skin should include a moisturiser to keep your face well hydrated and nourished. Ideally moisturisers are an essential for every type of skin, but if you particularly have dry skin, you should use it for sure.

Skincare Routine For Sensitive Skin

You’ve identified the possible signs that tell you whether you have sensitive skin or not. Now, the real question you need to answer is how to take care of sensitive skin well and what is the best skincare for sensitive skin that you can possibly provide. Here’s a skincare routine for sensitive skin that you can follow on a daily basis

  • Cleanse- Begin your sensitive skin care routine by cleansing it well with a gentle face wash that not only unclogs the dirt-filled pores, but also does so while preserving the skin’s natural health, and not stripping off any essential moisture. One product that helps you achieve just that is the Coco Soul Face Wash. A sulphate-free face wash, this cleanser is ideal for your sensitive skin. It is also free from any other harsh chemicals like mineral oils, parabens or silicones that may harm the skin. It contains essential herbs like neem, gotukula and Virgin King Coconut Oil, which leaves your skin feeling soft, fresh and hydrated.
  • Tone- Often the skin tends to dry up after cleansing it with a face wash, especially if your skin is sensitive. To restore the lost moisture, you need something that hydrates your skin well. Within your sensitive skin products, look for a toner that has extracts of green tea or chamomile in it. These are well suited for sensitive skin. Rose water is also a nice toning agent, which hydrates your skin well.

  • Moisturise- Your sensitive skin products should be non comedogenic in nature, so that it allows your skin to breathe. It should also contain ingredients that calm and soothe your skin, so as to reduce inflammation. This is where a moisturiser comes into the picture. Apply a moisturiser after your toner to seal in the moisture, and give your skin a radiant look. And not just your face, you should provide nourishment to your body as well. You can use the Coco Soul Nourishing Body Lotion. It contains virgin king coconut oil, shea butter and sandalwood, which are gentle and soft on your skin. 
  • Exfoliate- Once a week, in your skin care for sensitive skin, include a nice scrub to brush off the dead cells that are building up on your skin. The longer the dirt stays, the higher there are chances of pores being clogged, resulting in inflammation and other skin concerns. Give your pores a nice cleanse by using the Coco Soul Natural Face Scrub. Enriched with herbs like virgin king coconut oil, sandalwood and venivel, this product gives you naturally healed, radiant and moisturised skin.Another great addition to your sensitive skincare routine is to use a coconut oil face pack that you learn to make here.

Ingredients That You Should Avoid In Your Skincare For Sensitive Skin

While it’s great that you have a proper routine in place, for your skincare for sensitive skin, there are certain ingredients that you should avoid using as well. To begin with, avoid products containing alcohol as this tends to dry out your skin, causing irritation, dryness and itchiness. You should also refrain from highly-scented products as these can cause headaches and be strong on the skin. Stay away from products containing additional chemicals or harsh exfoliators as these can be damaging for the skin and can have an intense effect on sensitive skin.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How do I get perfect skin for sensitive skin?

    There is no specific method to get skin that is perfect or flawless for your sensitive skin. It is a gradual process that needs time and the right amount of care. To get good skin, use natural products that are free from any harmful chemicals or agents that can do harm to your sensitive skin. Complement this with a good diet and a healthy lifestyle.

  2. What should I look for in sensitive skincare products?

    You should look for products that hydrate and calm sensitive skin. Products like aloe vera gel, glycerin, ceramides, green tea and hyaluronic acid are good for sensitive skin. These protect the skin, keep it well moisturised and keep it away from inflammation or any additional skin concerns.

  3. How often should you wash sensitive skin?

    Washing your face twice a day, i.e. once in the morning after waking up and once in the evening is adequate. If you have sensitive skin and you feel like washing your face too much is making your skin very dry, you can wash your skin with warm water in the morning and with a cleanser in the evening for nourished and cleansed skin.

    Your sensitive skin can become easily prone to damage due to the slightest exposure to the sun or any harsh chemicals in your skincare ingredients. Make sure you give your skin the best kind of care that it deserves by incorporating gentle, fragrance-free products, a clean diet and basking in nature’s limitless glory.


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