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Unlocking the #1 Secret to Beautiful Hair - Understanding Hair Porosity Levels

Your hair, like a fingerprint, is uniquely yours. Its texture, thickness, and appearance are all distinctive features that make you, well, you. But have you ever wondered why certain hair care routines, products, or treatments that work wonders for others seem to fall short on your locks? The answer lies in the fascinating world of hair porosity levels

Hair type porosity is not just another term in the ever-growing beauty lexicon; it's a vital key to unlocking your hair's full potential. It determines how your hair interacts with moisture, whether it soaks it up like a sponge or resists it like a well-coated rain jacket. Understanding your hair porosity levels is akin to discovering your hair's unique language, allowing you to tailor your care routine to its specific needs.

Today, we embark on a journey to demystify hair porosity. We'll delve into the three primary hair porosity levels - high, normal, and low - determined through well-defined hair porosity tests. Armed with this understanding, you'll gain the power to choose the right products, treatments, and techniques that can transform your hair from a daily struggle into a source of pride.

So, whether you're dealing with unruly frizz, dryness, product buildup, or just ​​trying to understand the difference between porosity and hair texture, this blog has got you covered! Get ready to unlock the secrets of radiant, healthy hair by mastering the art of hair porosity levels

Hair Porosity Levels: An Overview

Hair porosity refers to your hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture. There are three primary levels of hair porosity:

High porosity hair:

High porosity hair is like a thirsty sponge, quickly absorbing moisture but struggling to retain it. The outer layer, called the cuticle, has raised or damaged sections, allowing moisture to enter easily but escape just as swiftly. This hair type is often characterized by frizz, dryness, and a tendency to feel rough. 

Normal porosity hair: 

Normal porosity hair is the Goldilocks of hair types, with cuticles that are neither too tightly sealed nor too open. It effortlessly absorbs and retains moisture, resulting in hair that feels balanced and healthy. It responds well to a variety of hair care products and routines. The key to maintaining normal porosity hair is consistency. 

Low porosity hair:

Low porosity hair is like a fortress with tightly sealed cuticles that resist moisture absorption. While it may seem resilient to damage, it often experiences product buildup, leaving hair feeling heavy and greasy. This hair type benefits from clarifying shampoos and warm water rinses to open the cuticles slightly during cleansing. 

How to Determine Your Hair Porosity

Wondering how to determine my hair porosity? Scroll to find out! 

  1. The Water Test:

    Start with clean, dry hair. Take a strand of hair and drop it into a glass of water. Observe how your hair behaves:
  • If it sinks quickly, you likely have high porosity hair. This means your hair absorbs moisture easily but struggles to retain it.
  • If it floats midway, you have normal porosity hair. Your hair absorbs and holds moisture effectively.
  • If it remains at the surface, your hair is low porosity. It resists absorbing moisture, making it prone to product buildup.

  1. The Slip 'n' Slide Test:

Take a strand of hair and gently slide your fingers up the shaft from tip to root.

  • If your fingers move smoothly, you likely have low porosity hair. The cuticles are tightly packed.
  • If your fingers catch slightly, your hair is normal porosity.
  • If your fingers encounter significant resistance, your hair is high porosity, with raised cuticles that cause friction.
  1. The Product Absorption Test:

Apply a small amount of water or a leave-in conditioner to a clean hair strand.

  • If the product is quickly absorbed, you likely have high porosity hair.
  • If the product is absorbed gradually, your hair is normal porosity.
  • If the product sits on the hair's surface, your hair is low porosity.

Hair Care Tips for Your Hair Porosity Type

Now that you've determined your hair porosity, let's explore how to care for your hair accordingly:

For high porosity hair:

  • Hydration is key: Use moisturizing products and deep conditioning treatments to combat dryness.
  • Seal the cuticles: Apply a natural oil or hair butter to seal the cuticles and prevent moisture loss.
  • Avoid heat damage: Minimize the use of hot tools and use a heat protectant when necessary.
  • Protein treatments: Incorporate protein treatments to strengthen and repair damaged hair.

For normal porosity hair:

  • Balanced care: Maintain a well-rounded hair care routine, including regular shampooing, conditioning, and occasional deep treatments.
  • Product variety: Experiment with different hair products to find what works best for your hair type.
  • Moderate heat styling: Use hot tools in moderation and apply a heat protectant before styling.

For low porosity hair:

  • Clarify regularly: Use clarifying shampoos to prevent product buildup on the hair's surface.
  • Warm water rinse: Use warm water to open the cuticles slightly when washing and conditioning your hair.
  • Lightweight products: Opt for lightweight, water-based products that won't weigh your hair down.
  • Deep conditioning with heat: Incorporate deep conditioning treatments with heat to help products penetrate the cuticles.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While caring for your hair based on its porosity is essential, here are some common mistakes to steer clear of:

  • Overusing heat styling tools:

    Excessive heat can be detrimental, especially to high porosity hair. Overuse of curling irons, straighteners, and blow dryers can lead to further damage and dryness. Limit heat styling and always apply a heat protectant.
  • Neglecting regular trims:

    Skipping routine trims is a mistake for all hair types, but it can be especially damaging for high porosity hair. Split ends can worsen, making hair appear frizzy and unhealthy. Schedule regular trims to maintain healthy ends.
  • Skipping protein treatments:

    High porosity hair often benefits from protein treatments to strengthen and repair damaged strands. However, overdoing it can lead to stiffness. Find the right balance to keep your hair strong and flexible.

  • Ignoring deep conditioning:

    Regardless of porosity, all hair thrives with proper hydration. Deep conditioning treatments are essential to maintain moisture balance and manage frizz. Skipping these treatments can result in dull, lifeless locks. Use Coco Soul Hair & Scalp Conditioner on your hair wash days to pamper your strands. 
  • Using the wrong products:

    Using products not suited to your porosity can be a costly mistake. High porosity hair needs moisture-rich products, while low porosity hair benefits from lightweight options. Normal porosity hair requires a well-rounded approach. Tailor your product selection to your specific needs.
  • Failing to clarify low porosity hair:

    Low porosity hair is prone to product buildup due to its tightly sealed cuticles. Neglecting regular clarifying shampoos can result in heavy, greasy hair. Incorporate clarifying products into your routine to prevent this issue.
  • Not adjusting care routines:

    Failing to adjust your hair care routine based on your porosity can hinder progress. Monitor your hair's condition and adjust products and practices accordingly. Your hair's needs may change with the seasons or over time, so remain flexible in your approach.


  1. How often should I adjust my hair care routine based on my hair porosity?

    Adjust your routine as needed, typically every few months, or when you notice changes in how your hair behaves. Pay attention to signs like excessive dryness, frizz, or product buildup, which may indicate it's time for a tweak.
  2. Is it possible to have a combination of different porosity types in one's hair?

    Yes, it's entirely possible to have a combination of porosity types within your hair. Different sections or layers of your hair may exhibit varying levels of porosity, requiring customized care for each area.
  3. Can a professional stylist help determine my hair porosity?

    Absolutely! A skilled hairstylist can conduct hair porosity tests and provide valuable insights into your unique porosity profile. They can also recommend suitable products and tailored care routines to maximize your hair's health and appearance.


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