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7 Skincare and Hair Care Essentials to Pack for a Beach Vacation

Just carrying sunscreen or a cap would not be enough to protect your skin or hair. We are here to help you out with the packing stuff, and let you be familiar with which skincare and hair care products to carry to the beach trip.


What factors affect your skin and hair during a beach vacation?

Spending long days on the beach vacation is one of the nicest aspects or experiences that summer gives. However, spending too much time in the sun can affect your skin and hair in many ways.

From making it extremely dry to compromising its natural barrier, the harmful UV rays, salty water, and sandy wind can do it all. Beach vacation can also suppress the body's natural immune response, preventing it from repairing these damages.

So it's always a wise decision to stay prepared and carry skincare products and hair care products to save yourself from experiencing such problems.

What essential products should you pack for a beach vacation?

People who have been to a beach before are definitely aware of the hair and skin conditions that the salty water and sandy wind leave them with.

Despite the troubles that the beach causes people, it should not stop someone from having fun. Here are a few essential products listed below that one must pack when going to the beach:

Body and Skincare products

Here are a few skincare products that you must pack along to protect yourself.

  • Cleanser
  • Eye cream and lip tint
  • Lightweight Moisturiser with sunscreen for face and body
  • Razor
  • Shower gel
  • Night cream or lotion
  • Sun protection body lotion

Haircare products

Here are a few hair care products that will serve you well in your happy vacation.

  • Heat protection shampoo
  • Hair serum
  • Hair oil
  • Heat protection conditioner
  • Leave-in treatment
  • Combs or brush
  • Styling hair products like irons, curlers, or hair dryers

(Note: it is suggested not to use hair styling products like irons or curlers frequently as they can damage your hair to the core. Instead, opt to air-dry your hair naturally so that it does not become weak)

Tips to take care of your hair and skin at the beach

Going to the beach may be the easiest way to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

However, the scratching heat, sand, and salty water can wreak havoc on your skin and hair, leaving them lifeless in every way.

Here are some helpful hints that you can follow to preserve your skin and grow your hair:

For skincare

Also do not forget your beautiful face in the process. Make sure to apply sunscreen depending on your skin type and protect it from getting damaged by the harmful rays of the sun.

Once you are done swimming or playing in the sea, rinse yourself completely with plain water and add your face with cream.

It is suggested to use cold milk because it comes packed with vitamin A, vitamin D, biotin, protein, lactic acid, and other important nutrients. When you apply cold milk to your face, it would treat flaky, peeling and dry skin and help you get youthful glowing skin. Also, it will help to heal the uneven skin and keep it hydrated throughout.

Then use a good quality cleanser like face wash from Coco Soul that has the goodness of coconut, neem and Ayurveda herbs to remove all the impurities or simply take a bath using an Ayurvedic shower gel and heat protection shampoo plus heat protection conditioner by CocoSoul. All these products are free from harmful chemicals and are purely vegan. They are powered by virgin king coconut oil's benefits and are free from paraben, silicone, and any other chemical impurities. The shower gel is made of turmeric, Gotu kola, and virgin coconut oil, which protect the skin and hair from the scorching sun. 

After that, you can use a Moisturiser to soothe sunburn. Besides that, do not forget to carry your hat or sunglasses to the beach.

For hair care 

Remember to wet your hair with plain water before you actually jump into the sea. Doing this will stop the hair strands from absorbing the seawater. 

You can also use a hair serum, oil or a hair cream containing sunscreen properties to keep your hair safe. Once you return from the beach, gently wash your hair with a good quality herbal heat protection shampoo followed by a heat protection conditioner by CocoSoul.


Going on a vacation is always fun until you start facing skin and hair problems that stop you from enjoying yourself. However, the end goal should be to be as carefree as possible.

So make sure to carry sun protection body lotion by Cocosoul, powered by Sandalwood, virgin coconut oil, and Gotu Kola and free from all sorts of chemical effects. Also, try using the heat protection shampoo, which is purely organic and blessed with Ayurvedic benefits, alongside other mandatory products like face scrub from Cocosoul that has the goodness of coconut, sandalwood and Ayurveda herbs to relieve yourself from all the worries. And yes, don't forget to pack a polaroid to capture the best moments of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to find out the best SPF for your needs?

    Usually, most people use SPF 30 as it blocks 97 % of the UVB rays, while 15 may block only 93 % of the UVB rays.
    When searching for an SPF for yourself, make sure to consider your skin type and then understand the active ingredients that the SPF contains. Also, do not forget to consider your exposure level to the sun every day.

  2. What kind of makeup can you use during a beach holiday?

    When going on a beach holiday, it is highly recommended to carry light makeup products simply because you are going to relax at this place.
    Do not forget your sunscreen or waterproof mascara, eyeliner and water-based cosmetics
    Other than that, remember to pack your lip balm, toners bb creams and foundation. Lastly, make sure to keep foundation powders and heavy moisturisers away from the trip.

  3. Natural alternatives to sunscreen, and are they as effective?

    It is possible that you have forgotten to buy sunscreen or don't find them effective enough. In that case, you can opt to use natural alternatives of sunscreens like coconut oil and aloe vera gel.
    Coconut oil is known to be effective because it decreases inflammation, smoothens the blemishes and keeps the skin soft for a longer duration.
    While on the other hand, aloe vera is known as a magical herb that blocks the sun rays from penetrating the skin besides reducing infection and fighting against skin ageing problems.

  4. Is shea butter good for protecting your skin from the sun?
    Yes, Shea butter is absolutely good for protecting your skin from the sun. It comes with vitamin A and vitamin E, and antioxidant properties that are known to protect the skin from radical damage. Other than that, you can also try using the Shea Butter Cream by CocoSoul, which comes along with the benefits of virgin king coconut oil, shea butter and Lodhra and is 100% organic, free from harmful effects of paraben, silicone, and other chemical impurities.


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