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8 Asanas To Help With Hair Growth

On international yoga day, let’s not forget about the several benefits yoga has for our mental and physical health. It is scientifically proven that yoga helps our body in becoming more fit and healthy. However, did you know there are yoga poses for hair growth and health? Yoga can help in improving your hair health. Today we will take a look at some of the hair growth asanas, to generate yoga awareness and discuss the yoga benefits for hair. 

Today, we will unlock the secrets of hair growth with these 8 yoga poses. 

Understanding The Connection Between Yoga And Hair Growth

Before talking about hair growth asanas or even yoga benefits, let’s first understand the intimate connection between yoga and hair growth. It is important to have yoga awareness and know that the connection between hair growth and yoga is not direct. However, practising yoga can benefit your overall health and well-being, which will ultimately lead to healthy hair growth. Here are some yoga benefits for hair.

  1. Stress Reduction

    One of the best yoga benefits includes its ability to reduce stress. Chronic stress is known to disrupt the natural hair growth cycle and contribute to hair thinning and loss. Certain yoga poses can help reduce stress, promote relaxation and help in creating a balanced state of mind. 
  1. Improved Blood Circulation

    Another yoga benefit includes its ability to improve blood flow. Hair growth asanas require you to bend forward, enhancing the blood circulation to your scalp and promoting the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the hair, improving hair health and promoting hair growth. 
  1. Better Sleep Quality

    Consistent yoga practice can improve your sleep quality and regulate your sleep patterns. As during sleep, our body undergoes essential skin and hair repair and regeneration processes, it can also improve our hair health. 
  1. Increased Scalp Health

    Some hair growth asanas involve head massages and movements that stimulate the scalp. These movements can help enhance blood circulation, remove toxins and ultimately promote hair growth. 

Let’s now understand the direct connection between yoga and overall well-being, including hair health!

How Yoga Promotes Overall Well-Being, Including Hair Health

Yoga is a holistic practice, that promotes the overall well-being of our body, including hair health with the help of various mechanisms. Yoga might not directly target hair growth but helps in reducing stress, improving blood circulation, regulating hormones, and improving sleep quality. Moreover, yoga focuses on developing a mind-body connection, that fosters self-awareness, mindfulness, and self-care. 

While yoga is one of the best self-care practices for our overall hair health, it is also important to remember that it does not directly affect our hair health. Using nourishing hair products and supplements can also promote good hair health. However, the trick lies in only relying on natural products. You can try Ayurvedic products that go hand-in-hand with yoga. 

If you are looking to try new Ayurvedic hair care products, we suggest you take a look at the wide range of products offered by Coco Soul, from the markers of Parachute Advansed. You can try Ayurvedic Bhringraj Hair Oil, nourished with the natural goodness of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Bhringraj, to act as the natural solution for all your hair concerns.

Let’s now talk about the Holistic approach to hair growth: Yoga asanas that work

Asanas Which Will Help With Hair Growth

Practising these hair growth asanas can help you reap several yoga benefits for your hair and overall wellness. These yoga poses for hair growth are proven to reduce stress, improve blood circulation, and add agility to your body.

  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana

    Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as the Downward-Facing Dog pose can help improve the blood flow to the scalp and reduce stress, as it requires you to bend forward. 


    To try this pose, start on your hands and knees. Lift your hips upward so that your legs and hands are straightened, forming an inverted “V” shape.
  1. Uttanasana

    Uttansana also known as Standing Forward Ben can help improve blood circulation to your scalp as well. 


    To practice this pose, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend forward. Your torso must be parallel to your legs so that your head can hang towards the ground.
  1. Sarvangasana

    Sarvangasna or Shoulder Stand is an inverted pose that helps to direct the blood flow to your scalp for increased circulation and improved hair growth. 


    Lie on your back and lift your legs, hips, and lower back from the ground. Support the weight of your lower body on your upper arms and shoulders.
  1. Matsyasana

    Matsyasana or fish pose helps in stretching your neck and stimulates blood flow to the head. 


    Lie down on your back, place your hands on the hips and lift your chest while tilting your head backwards.
  1. Vajrasana

    Vajrasana or thunderbolt pose helps in improving digestion and overall blood flow in your body.


    Kneel down and sit back on your heels with your legs folded,
    keeping your spine upright. 
  1. Balayam Yoga

    Balram yoga or rubbing nails is a generic yoga practice that can help stimulate hair growth. 


    Curl your fingers in a loose punch, and rub the nails against the nails of the other hand vigorously for a few minutes daily. 
  1. Sirsasana

    Sirasana or headstand is a common yoga practice that directs the blood flow to your head. 


    This pose can be a bit challenging so you can take the help of someone or a wall. Start with a kneeling position with your palms on the floor. Life your entire body up with the entire weight resting on your hands.
  1. Pranayama

    Pranayama or breathing exercise are the roots of all yoga practices as it helps centre your body and improve blood flow, reduce stress and promote relaxation.


    To perform pranayama, close one of your nostrils with your thumb and inhale. After inhaling, close the second nostril with your index finger and exhale from the first nostril. Repeat for a few minutes while focusing on your breath.

Remember these poses can be uncomfortable and challenging if you are just starting practicing yoga. However, with time your body will be able to relax more as it becomes more flexible. Do not force yourself into any pose, and let your body drive the comfort.


We hope this guide to hair growth asanas will be the answer to all hair problems. Remember, yoga can only help in promoting the overall wellness of your body and hair.


  1. Can specific asanas alone guarantee hair growth?

    No, specific asanas cannot guarantee hair growth on their own. Asanas can indirectly support hair health by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, improving blood circulation, and fostering overall well-being. However, it's important to adopt a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet, proper hair care, and overall healthy lifestyle habits for optimal hair growth.
  1. How often should I practice these asanas to see potential benefits for hair growth?

    Consistency is key when practising asanas for potential hair health benefits. Aim to practice yoga regularly, ideally several times per week, to maintain the positive effects on overall well-being, including hair health. However, it's important to note that individual results may vary, and asanas alone may not be the sole determining factor for hair growth. Consulting with healthcare professionals or dermatologists can provide personalized guidance on incorporating yoga into your routine for potential hair health benefits.
  1. Are there any precautions or contraindications for practising these asanas?

    Yes, it's important to consider precautions and contraindications before practising these asanas. Some asanas, such as headstands or shoulder stands, are more advanced and require proper guidance and preparation to avoid injury. It's advisable to learn these poses under the supervision of a qualified yoga instructor. Additionally, individuals with specific health conditions or injuries should consult with healthcare professionals or yoga instructors to ensure that the chosen asanas are suitable for their circumstances. Safety and proper alignment should always be prioritized during yoga practice.


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