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What Is Period Acne? 5 Home Remedies You Need To Try To Control It

Hormonal fluctuations before your period cycle and during ovulation can result in excess production of sebum oil within your skin’s cells. Here’s what happens:

  • In the days of ovulation in your monthly cycle, progesterone increases and stimulates more sebum oil production, which gets trapped in the pores – and eventually, causes pimples during ovulation
  • On the other hand, a week before the first day of your period cycle, you start experiencing premenstrual acne when your estrogen levels begin to drop. 
  • The existing testosterone increases the production of sebum oil, blocking your follicles. 
    Woman With Pimple On Face

We’ve rounded up some easy, natural period acne home remedies that can help you control your acne throughout your monthly cycle.

Period Woes – Adding Acne To The List!

If  menstrual cycles weren’t challenging enough,  when acne is added to this list, things get more  frustrating. Period acne is slightly different from the regular acne breakouts that you may experience. These acne flares occur in the form of pus-filled pimples, or raised, red bumps on your face, and are dependent on your hormones. If you suffer from acne during your periods, it is likely to do with your body more than your skin.

How You Can Identify Period Acne

Experiencing acne before your period is visible as pimples on the lower part of your face – your chin, cheeks, jawline, and neck. Red, raised bumps, these acne flares are red flags if you experience them regularly during your monthly cycle. 

Acne During Period – Is It Hormonal? 

The period cycle or monthly cycle lasts for around 28 days. During these days, your body goes through many changes in hormone levels. When your hormones influence the level of sebum production in your skin’s sebaceous glands, you start to see acne flares before your period cycle and pimples during ovulation. Wondering how you can control this? Read on to know more about some easy home remedies for acne using natural ingredients.

Let’s not forget menopausal acne – is it the same as hormonal acne? Acne during the period cycle can be frustrating when our hormone levels drop. When they shift drastically during menopause, we can only imagine what one must go through. Approaching menopause or the pre-menopause stage basically means your body ceases to experience menstruation. Along with mood swings, hot flashes, and sleeping difficulties, it also results in skin changes. 

Woman Washing Her Face

Five Period Acne Home Remedies

  1. Cooling with Tea Tree Oil:

    Tea tree oil is a potent spot treatment fix for acne. All you have to do is  apply the oil on the spots on your face where you are experiencing acne flares. You can apply it  directly to your skin, but if it irritates your skin, you can mix it with a carrier oil. For every one or two drops of tea tree oil, add in 12 drops of the carrier oil – Coco Soul’s virgin coconut based oil is a great choice for this.

  2. Say Goodbye To Bacteria with Neem:

    Before your periods, it is ideal to use neem for your skin, thanks to the antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties of this herb. You can either go for these amazing DIY neem face packs or opt for Coco Soul’s Natural Face Cleanser, which is enriched with neem, gotukola, and virgin coconut oil. The 100% organic and vegan face wash revitalises your skin, giving you fresh, glowing skin every day!
    Girl Using Neem Face Mask
  3. Include Legumes In Your Routine:

    Hormones and blood sugar work in a balance. To ensure this balance is maintained even through your monthly cycle, stocking up on legumes is a great option. Include kidney beans or ‘rajma’, lentils, chickpeas (hint: hummus bowls), and peanuts in your diet.

  4. Anti-inflammation with Honey:

    A 2020 study on ‘Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Selected Indonesian Honey against Bacteria of Acne’ by Bogor Agricultural University found that honey can block the growth or kill period acne. Honey, an antibacterial silky ingredient, when mixed with cinnamon, gives you the perfect face mask. Mix a tablespoon of cinnamon powder with two tablespoons of honey, apply it to your face and let it rest for 15 minutes. Rinse it off for an acne-free glow.

  5. Soothing Exfoliation with Sandalwood:

    The beautiful ‘chandan’ or sandalwood trees have been a source of skin care for centuries. Ancient ayurveda recognises the ingredient for its soothing properties, which makes it the perfect fix for acne flares. The antibacterial and anti-ageing properties of sandalwood make it the best, natural exfoliator. You can try the Coco Soul’s Exfoliating Face Scrub to experience the goodness of this ingredient. Enriched with sandalwood, welmi, and virgin coconut oil, the scrub gently scrubs off dead skin cells, revealing clearer skin.

    Now you know what gives rise to period acne, and pimples during ovulation, as well as the remedies that can help you control it. That being said, treating acne can be a try-and-test experience, so give these remedies a shot and see what works for you! You can also look for information on other types of acne and their remedies here.

Frequently Asked Questions on Acne During Period (FAQs)

  1. How can I stop period acne?

    Some of the ways you can prevent menstrual or period acne naturally is by regularly washing your face, applying tea tree oil on the spots of treatment, and using chemical-free products. This helps in cleansing your skin, removing impurities, and unclogging your pores.

  2. Why do I get so much acne during my period?

    Flares of acne before your period are common, but if you experience them during your period, it’s because the level of the hormone progesterone is increased. This results in the production of an excess amount of sebum in the skin’s cells, which gets trapped in the pores, leading to acne flares.
  3. Does period acne go away?

    Based on a study by the Archives of Dermatology, almost 65 percent of women experience period acne. The natural period acne treatment options listed above can help soothe the effects. On a positive note, it only lasts for about ten days, leading up to your period!


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